
Troubleshooting Steps for Raffle Plugin

This plugin has several different configuration settings and uses a variety of integration into woocommerce and wordpress.

Here is a step by step troubleshooting guide to issues with the Raffle Ticket Generator Plugin. Please go through these issues before contacting support. When you contact support with an issue that is not resolved here – we will most likely need to have temporary admin access to your wordpress install so we can check settings.

Woocommerce can be complicated. There are an infinite amount of plugins it is impossible to ensure that all of the other plugins are working correctly. You will need to simplify the environment to narrow it down. We are happy to support our product and assist with any issues that might happen. That said, we cannot be responsible for other plugins not coding correctly or using the proper hooks in woocommerce.

If there is a conflict we will do everything in our power to modify the next versions to eliminate the conflict. We see a conflict in about 1 in a 1000 installs, so it is very rare. The steps below will help narrow down the possible issues or causes of a problem.

If you do not do these basic troubleshooting steps – we will ask you do put the site in a basic state below before we take a look.

1. Issues with potential conflicts on displaying the configuration options or ticket options on the site:

We have taken numerous steps to make sure that our functions and css names are unique. While conflicts are rare, they can happen.

  1. Disable all the plugins except woocommerce and our RTG plugin.
  2. Switch to the default storefront theme for woocommerce.
  3. Configure a raffle category
  4. Use basic setting in the raffle config and DO NOT SELECT Ticket images. Just use plain ticket numbers.

If tickets are generating and the plugin installs, then flip the theme back to your theme and test an order again.

If still a display problem – contact support.

If display is ok – continue

2. Enable your payment gateway modules and test orders.

If the tickets are not being generated, please test that your payment gateway is triggering a “paid” status:

https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/ defines the order status:

We generate the tickets when the order changes from “pending” or “on-hold” to “processing” and “completed”

Many payment gateways and order status plugins we see might simply return a processing status but do not use the proper hooks to trigger an alert to us to flip to paid and the Raffle Plugin does not know to generate tickets. For obvious reasons, it does not make sense for the plugin to generate tickets on an failed payment. Our plugin has to know the order is paid.

  1. Change the order status to “on-hold” manually, then change to “processing” and then to completed”

If the tickets are generated, then you have an issue with your payment gateway and they status they report.  A manual change in woocommerce will always send the proper hooks and triggers.

If the tickets are not generated at this point – contact support

If the above is working and generating tickets, then the raffle plugin is functioning correctly.

3. Issue when ticket images are selected and the images are not displaying.

  1. If no ticket image is displayed but the tickets are generating above, then the problem is most likely the gdlibary function on your hosting.
  2. Check the ticket numbers in the dashboard – Raffle Ticket Generator – View Customer Ticket Numbers
    1. If the ticket numbers are there – then the problem is 100% a gdlibrary problem on your server.

There are various versions of gdlibrary that work but unfortunately we are not a hosting company and cannot help you debug your hosting issues.  We do know that gdlibrary version 2.2.3 works on php 5.6 and 7.0.  We know that version 2.3.1 does not work.  It has a bug that has issues with one of our commands.

Also we have seen issues on php 5.4 and 5.5 which are both extremely outdated, yet we still see many budget shared hosting companies use it.

If you your hosting is configured to php version 5.6 or 7.0 and you have gdlibary 2.2.3 or above and you have issues with ticket images displaying – please contact support. We will need wp-admin access and ftp access so that we can run some various php test scripts.

If you have done the above and have any issues – please contact support. We will do our best to assist you.

99% of questions regarding conflicts or tickets not getting generated, can be solved by the above process.

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